You've been waiting for this skiing holiday with your friends all winter long. And here you are, at last, hitting the slopes! Yesterday, you took it easy to get the hang of it again, but today you’re taking those moguls like a pro. So much so, that you decide to tackle a black run to round off the day in style. You’re almost at the bottom, swooping and swerving with the best of them, when you’re tempted by one last jump from that little mound just off-piste. The landing makes you wobble, you cling to your pole but you can't stop yourself from falling. Suddenly, you’re gripped by a violent pain: you’ve just broken your hip. In a few minutes, the rescue team transfers you by snowmobile to the nearest hospital.
Sounds familiar? It’s hardly surprising as, every year at the office, between January and March, skiing accidents is the main subject of conversation. Whether due to bad luck or a moment of inattention, these injuries usually mean calling mountain rescue. For example, according to a Swiss study, 55% of rescues on the slopes are carried out on sleds, while rescue by snowmobile or helicopter each accounts for 15%. First aid is generally administered at the local hospital. Then, if your state of health allows it, you will usually be offered repatriation. The cost can quickly reach several thousand euros.
So how can you head off to the slopes well insured? There are 5 aspects to consider: