To make a claim under your Car insurance policy:
1. Download the following Car insurance claim form:
2. Complete your document directly from your computer.
3. Print it and sign it
4. And send your form by email to claims@axa.lu

Is your vehicle still running? Make the most of the Pick-up & Delivery service:
Have you been the victim of a collision but your vehicle is still mobile? With the Pick-up & Delivery service, AXA takes care of everything and you have no fees to pay up front.
Contact your adviser and he will take care of everything.

- A partner garage will pick up your vehicle at the location of your choice
- And they bring you a replacement vehicle.

- Your vehicle is repaired.
- Forty-eight hours before your vehicle is returned you are contacted to set up a meeting place.

- Your vehicle is then brought to you, having been repaired and washed, at the place of your choice and at the desired time.
Discover Pick up & Delivery Service
Services and Tips

What to do in case of a car accident in Luxembourg ?
Good habits to adopt in the event of a car accident for persons insured in the Grand Duchy.

Emergency and Assistance
Contact AXA Assistance on +352 45 30 30 55
Or visit the AXA Assistance page for help.

AXA Advisers at your service
An advisor is available in every region of the Grand Duchy to offer you his services and his well-informed advice about insurance solutions :