What is Civil Liability insurance?
Does Civil Liability cover mean anything to you? If it doesn’t, we need to do a bit of revision...
What is private Civil Liability insurance?
This covers damage which you may cause involuntarily to third parties as part of your private life.
Is Civil Liability insurance compulsory in Luxembourg?

Private Civil Liability insurance is not compulsory in Luxembourg, unless you own a dog. Also, some municipalities ask you to provide them with an insurance certificate. Do you enjoy boating or hunting? You will also need to take out specific Civil Liability insurance so you are covered during these activities.
Although it is not compulsory in other situations, more than 80% of households residing in Luxembourg take out private Civil Liability cover.
How do you know if you are covered by Civil Liability insurance?

This cover is usually included in home insurance and covers all household members (unless you have specifically requested to withdraw from it).So, if you are staying with your parents, you are certain to be covered by their insurance. On the other hand, if you live with friends or in a shared apartment, it is better to check the terms of the home insurance policy. If necessary, you can take out an individual Civil Liability policy.
In what situations does private civil liability apply?
We asked our product managers to give us some examples of frequent damage that is covered by Civil Liability insurance.
The story of the flying controller
Your son has gone to play at a school friend’s house. When he gets home he has a guilty look on his face… He confesses that he was chasing ghosts in a video game on his friend’s Wii when the controller slipped out of his hands and flew into the television. The consequences? A big screen TV split from top to bottom.
The dog that didn’t like being left alone
While walking your dog, you bump into a friend who lives nearby. Delighted with this unexpected encounter, she invites you round for a coffee. You leave your dog in the conservatory so it won’t disturb you. When you return, the room is covered with a thick carpet of yellow foam. Underneath, you can see all that remains of the swing seat.
The tall ladder
On a Sunday in October, you’re checking that your gutter isn’t blocked up with dead leaves. You climb back down carefully, everything is fine. But, when putting the ladder away, you miscalculate the trajectory and the ladder hits your neighbour’s car. The consequences: a 20cm scratch on the bodywork.
The person who met people outside cafés
Summer and winter alike, café terraces are your favourite place. You love to meet new people and spontaneously strike up a conversation with people sitting at tables nearby. One evening, having launched into an animated conversation, you wave your arms around to back up your explanations when suddenly you knock a gigantic multicoloured cocktail over your neighbour’s state-of-the-art ski jacket (you know, the one that’s worth a small fortune…).
The most trivial situations can lead you to have to repay large sums. Fortunately, private Civil Liability insurance is there to protect you, except in certain situations.
What situations are excluded from Civil Liability insurance?
The first exclusion criterion is that Civil Liability cover does not apply between members of the same family. All damage caused in a professional context is also excluded. Consider taking out Civil Liability insurance specially aimed at professionals whenever you provide a paid service. Finally, the damage must not have been caused intentionally. For example, if your 18-year-old son decides to tag the neighbour’s wall, you can’t claim on your Civil Liability insurance.
Is Civil Liability insurance valid abroad?
Yes, you are covered worldwide.
How does the claim process work?

Contact your insurer If you are an AXA customer, the claim form can be found here. You explain what happened and then the insurance company will contact the victim of the claim and possibly seek expert advice. If the item is not repairable, its owner will be compensated on the basis of the current value of the property.
Got any doubts? Any questions? Contact our advisers to be advised on the most suitable solution.