To make a claim under your home insurance policy:
1. Download the home insurance claim form according to the type of damage suffered:

Damage to the Home
Download this form to notify us of damage to your home, such as:
- Fire, Storm and hail, Water damage, Theft and vandalism, All risks, Property damage, Luggage, Assistance.

Liability insurance diverse risks
Download this form to notify us of damage involving your Civil Liability, such as:
- Physical or material damage to a third party

Electric devices & multimedia material
Download this form to notify us of damage to electrical and multimedia devices, such as:
- A short circuit, an overload of electrical current, an insulation fault, overvoltage, wear and tear, a machine failure, etc.

Download this form to make a claim related to e-protection such as:
- Legal support, identity theft, fraudulent use of payment methods, e-reputation, online shopping, connected objects, etc.

Your trip has been cancelled due to an unforeseen event covered by your insurance, your luggage has been lost, damaged or stolen, you have become ill, you had an accident or you wish to ask for repatriation while being on a trip abroad
2. Complete your document directly from your computer.
3. Print it and sign it
4. And send your form by email to claims@axa.lu

Services and Tips:

10 signs that your insurance policy is out-of-date
Whether moving in together, welcoming a child, throwing ourselves into our passions... There is never a dull moment, and that is what makes life so exciting! But what about your insurance? Does it also need a bit of a shake-up to give you and your family the protection you deserve?

Emergency and Assistance
Contact AXA Assistance on +352 45 30 30 55
Or visit the AXA Assistance page for help.

AXA Advisers at your service
An advisor is available in every region of the Grand Duchy to offer you his services and his well-informed advice about insurance solutions :