VIVAZEN - Assurance prévoyance décès et invalidité

Providence insurance death & disability

For an effective coverage against the risks of our everyday life, an accident, a serious illness.

The “Family” package provides worldwide coverage in the context of your private and school life. A single policy includes the coverage of all your family members in case of death and disability following an accident.

Discover VivaZen and protect you and your family against life’s hazards


  • € 50,000 € in the event of disability and € 175,000 € in the event of total disability
  • Funeral expenses per child and up to € 25,000 € in the event of death per adult

AXA’s Providence advantages

  • Without any formalities, all members of your family are automatically covered
  • Coverage in the event of a serious illness of your child under 18 (cancer, leukemia, meningitis…)
  • Automatically includes a “Child Comfort” package which, in the event of an accident involving your child covers: childcare costs or the costs of the parents’ stayover at the hospital if they must stay at the child’s side…

Find out more about VivaZen death & disability insurance

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Services & Advice

AXA Luxembourg : pourquoi souscrire une assurance vie au Luxembourg ?

Why take out life insurance in Luxembourg?

Financing a project, protecting your loved ones, preparing for retirement or passing on your assets are all good reasons to take out a life insurance policy. Because in addition to dealing with the challenges life throws at us, you also benefit from tax advantages. Here is an overview.

AXA Luxembourg : compenser la perte de revenu liée au départ à la retraite en mettant en place une stratégie d'épargne en fonction de son âge

How to prepare for a comfortable retirement in line with your age?

As you know, with an ageing population, the pension system in Luxembourg is likely to become less generous in the coming years. Even more reason to prepare yourself as soon as possible for the challenge of declining resources. The Luxembourg government actually encourages you to do so through tax benefits.

assurance solde restant dû Luxembourg	// assurance solde restant dû impôts

Housing loans: how do I protect my loved ones in case of a fatal accident?

In Luxembourg, as in many European countries, financial institutions often require borrowers to take out insurance against the risk of death or disability. This is called Remaining Due Balance insurance, and it pays the balance of the capital that remains to be refunded to the bank. This cover allows the owners to insure the payment of the remaining instalments by the insurer in case of death or disability.
