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Investment insurance: save with Borea Invest life insurance

Enjoy the security of a guaranteed rate and performance


Why choose Borea Invest life insurance?

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1️⃣ A guaranteed return

💠 Opt for a guaranteed return plus profit sharing (net rate paid in 2024 of 2.35%*).

💠 At AXA, we use net rates, which reflect what you actually receive.

💠 For more dynamic investors, a wide choice of unit-linked funds to choose from.

*Net rate paid on Borea 10 policy. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

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2️⃣ Optimal security

💠 An attractive Net Guaranteed Rate of 1.75%.

💠 A guaranteed period of 8 years.

💠 You can invest up to 100% of your investment at a guaranteed rate.

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3️⃣ Greater flexibility

💠 A product suited to different investment profiles.

💠 Starting premium from €2500.

💠 Withdrawal possible at any time.

💠 Possibility of switching between a wide range of funds.


2.35% Net in 2024

The return is made up of the net guaranteed rate plus profit sharing

The advantages of Borea Invest life insurance

When it comes to passing on your assets, life insurance is a flexible product, allowing you to freely designate beneficiaries and modify them as you see fit.

In addition to the guaranteed rate, you also benefit from profit sharing based on the Company's results. In 2024, the return on the Borea10 fund was 2.35% NET[1].

At AXA, we take care of your savings with NET rates that correspond to what you actually receive. That's part of being a responsible insurer.

[1]Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

Contrary to popular belief, your capital is not locked in a Luxembourg life insurance policy. You retain free access to your savings, with the option of making partial or total surrenders at any time in line with your needs.

You can take out a Borea Invest life insurance policy from as little as €2500. You are then free to make additional payments for a minimum amount of €1250.
Borea Invest is a life insurance policy adapted to different investment profiles, with the possibility of changing your investment strategy as and when your projects evolve, and of making one free arbitrage per year.
For the more experienced investor, you have a wide choice of unit-linked funds, giving you a great deal of flexibility in managing your investments.

There are no taxes on your savings at the end of the policy, or in the event of partial or total withdrawal before the final date originally planned.

You can invest up to 100% of your investment at a guaranteed rate of 1.75% NET for 8 years, with no risk and complete freedom, safe in the knowledge that your capital is protected and available.

The security triangle, a protection system unique to Luxembourg, ensures that your customers’ investments are protected in the event of the insurance company's default.

A product adapted to the different investment profiles different investment profiles
Here are some tips to help you understand how life insurance works in Luxembourg.

Useful tips and formalities

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In each region of the Grand Duchy, of Luxembourg, an advisor is at your disposal to offer you their services and help you prepare the future with confidence.

Investment insurance documentation

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