Emergency : contact AXA Assistance

Available 24/7

Vehicle Assistance: +352 45 30 55

Home Assistance: +352 45 30 55

Health Assistance: - Hospitalisation United States & Canada: (+1) (305) 530 86 00 - Hospitalisation Rest of the world: (+ 352) 44 24 24 48 48 - Repatriation, transport to a hospital, search or rescue: (+ 352) 44 24 24 46 24

Disponible 24/24 et 7/7

Depending on your insurance (OptiDrive, OptiHome or OptiSoins) and the subscribed options, assistance can be provided in these cases. This list is available for information purposes, always refer to the terms and conditions of your contract.

When should you contact AXA Assistance

Vehicle OptiDrive

Vehicle Assistance: +352 45 30 55

Habitation OptiHome

Home Assistance: +352 45 30 55

Health OptiSoins

Health Assistance: - Hospitalisation United States & Canada: (+1) (305) 530 86 00 - Hospitalisation Rest of the world: (+ 352) 44 24 24 48 48 - Repatriation, transport to a hospital, search or rescue: (+ 352) 44 24 24 46 24

or consult an advisor close to your home:

Contact AXA Assistance on +352 45 30 55