Savings insurances in Luxembourg: life insurance, home savings

Financing your projects, making your capital grow in total safety and passing it on to those close to you whilst benefiting from tax advantages

Our junior life insurance product - Juvena

You know the amount of guaranteed capital that will be paid to your child from the start. You are certain that the capital when the policy matures will be paid to the person you have designated and at the time you have chosen. You thus keep control of the policy throughout its lifetime: you can change the beneficiary or buy back the capital before the policy matures.

AXA advantages • Saving security • Yield and advantageous tax deductions • Payment flexibility

AXA Luxembourg Assurance Epargne et Prevoyance Juvena

Junior life insurance documentation

Equatoria life insurance

Equatoria is a "Mixed" insurance formula, whereby AXA undertakes to pay: - either the guaranteed death capital, increased by the profit sharing, on the death of the insured if this occurs before the maturity fixed by the policy; - or the guaranteed life capital, increased by the profit sharing, at the maturity fixed by the policy if the insured is living on this date.

AXA advantages • Security, by fixing when taking out the policy the amount of guaranteed capital that you will receive when the policy matures. • Advantageous tax deductions

AXA Luxembourg Assurance Epargne et Prevoyance Equatoria

Equatoria life insurance documentation

MySmartPension: retirement savings combining guaranteed capital and investments, to take advantage of market opportunities.

Do you want to maximise your return opportunities?

MySmartPension is a tax-efficient insurance product that combines traditional savings solutions with stock market investments to take advantage of the best returns on the market.

The advantages of MySmartPension

  • Attractive returns
  • Gradual shift to less risky investments Gradual reduction in your exposure to risk as you approach retirement.
  • Guaranteed rate
  • The responsible investment decision
  • Flexibility of your payments
  • Choice of benefit at retirement
  • Free designation of beneficiaries

  • Sales Leaflet


    Dépliant - MySmart Pension - 10.2024 - Version EN.pdf 1.42 MB ZxZ5UxIAACoAT214.pdf
  • Insurance conditions


    CA_MySmartPension_W10_23_EN.pdf 380.88 KB ZxY1yRIAACkATkQW.pdf
  • Financial information sheet


    Fiche_Info_Financière_MySmartPension_EN_01_2024.pdf 255.38 KB ZxYhzhIAAC0ATeuq.pdf
Information per financial product

Sustainable financing

The mortgage-savings plan with our partner Wüstenrot

Whether for yourself or for your children, you can finance a property while benefitting from tax deductions. The mortgage-savings contract proposed by our partner Wüstenrot is a savings account that allows you to benefit from tax deductions (under certain conditions).

It allows you to create a capital for real estate investment.

Table of maximum amounts deductible:

* In case of common taxation according to articles 3 and 3bis the maximum ceiling of 1344 € is determined on basis of the age of the youngest adult subscriber. If one of the two subscribers is younger than 41 the spouse / partner and each child of the taxpayer’s household is eligible to a 1344€ ceiling.


• Important tax advantages

• Deposit guarantee

• Risk-free solution: your capital is guaranteed plus the interest rate set at the time of the contract subscription

• Availability of the savings after the contract’s attribution (use for personal real estate needs: purchase of a property, renovation or transformation of a property or repayment of a real estate mortgage).

More information about our home savings plan


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Advisers at your service

Choose the appropriate life insurance coverage in Luxembourg

I want to prepare for my child’s future

Do you wish to put some money aside to give your child the best start to adult life? The Juvena life insurance allows you to invest your money without any risk. Your child will receive the guaranteed capital plus the profit share on the date of your choice. If you die before the end of the policy, Axa will pay the premiums for you until your child receives the capital on the scheduled date.

I wish to save for my retirement and protect my loved ones

Do you wish to invest your savings to prepare for your old age and to cover the needs of your family? The Equatoria life insurance allows you build up your savings securely by fixing the amount of guaranteed capital that you will receive when the policy matures, irrespective of market prices. And if you die before receiving your capital, the amount of your choice will be paid to your loved ones.

I would like to invest my capital

Do you wish to earn an attractive return on your savings while protecting your capital? The Borea Invest life insurance allows you to receive a bonus each year based on the results of the market. Your capital is available at any time and you can make withdrawals and payments whenever you wish.

I would like to invest my capital in a secured manner

The Save for Life insurance allows for the balanced investment of your capital with a majority of bonds and a maximum 20% in shares in order to maximise both the returns and the security of your savings.

I would like to insure my mortgage while benefiting from tax deductions

Axa offers a mortgage-savings policy in partnership with Wüstenrot that allows you to benefit from significant tax deductions. The ideal solution for the worry-free financing of your home.