Our mission
Our mission is to help our private customers to live every stage of their life more serenely and to help firms and professionals to operate more smoothly.
Our corporate project
To become the preferred insurance and asset management company, we have to continue the work we undertook several years ago to boost our customer focus and encourage the commitment of our employees through a culture of trust and execution. Our teams all over the world respect five values: professionalism, innovation, pragmatism, integrity and team spirit. And three fundamental attitudes (being available, attentive and reliable) guide our employees in serving our customers better and establishing long-term relationships based on trust.
Our key figures
AXA Turnover (2022) under IFRS standards :
- AXA Assurances: € 140.0 M
- AXA Assurances Vie: € 152.4 M
AXA Net profits (2022) under IFRS standards :
- AXA Assurances: € 19.3 M
- AXA Assurances Vie: € 3.7 M
AXA Assurances Luxembourg S.A.
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2023
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2022
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2021
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2020
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2019
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2018
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2017
- AXA Assurances Luxembourg SA 2016
AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg S.A.
First insurance company in Luxembourg
More than a century and a half of history
AXA, through its original companies, is the first Company to have been approved for insurance operations in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
2015 The AXA Group celebrates thirty years of the AXA brand
2012 The health specialist Interlux Assurance Maladie joins the AXA Luxembourg group
2007 Takeover of the activities of Winterthur Europe Assurances Luxembourg by the companies AXA Assurances Luxembourg and AXA Assurances Vie Luxembourg
2006 AXA Group buys the Winterthur Group from Crédit Suisse
2005 AXA Group celebrates twenty years of the AXA brand
1999 3 August 1999 - publication in the Mémorial of the ministerial authorisation approving the merger by absorption of Royale UAP companies by the AXA Luxembourg S.A. companies.
1998 Grouping of AXA Luxembourg activities are announced on 25 September 1998.
1996 The international AXA-UAP merge is announced on 12 November 1996.
1994 In 1994, the Royale UAP takes over the activities of the branch "Victoire S.A." and the company "VIC. Life S.A." .
1992 ASSURLUX becomes AXA Assurances Luxembourg.
1991 The two companies merge in 1991 and AXA becomes 99.4% shareholder of ASSURLUX. In the same year, following the grouping of UAP and Assurance La Liégeoise, the Luxembourg group takes the name of Royale UAP.
1989 ASSURLUX buys out the Life portfolio of AGP Benelux and the non-life portfolio in 1990.
1987 The Luxembourg portfolio of "Secours" is taken up by ASSURLUX.
1977 Birth of ASSURLUX through the merger of several companies, including "Le Patrimoine", "La Vie Nouvelle", "La Préservatrice" and "La Lloyd de France Vie".
1976 Transfer of the "La Paternelle" Luxembourg Miscellaneous Risks portfolio to "La Prévoyance", an AGP subsidiary.
1967 and 1975 The "La Paternelle" Life portfolio is transferred to "La Prévoyance". The Luxembourg portfolio of "La Fédérale" is taken up by "Le Patrimoine".
1923 Creation of the Union IARD.
1922 Establishment of the branch of the Assurance La Liégeoise (subsidiary of "La Royale Belge").
1891 and 1932 The companies "Le Patrimoine" and "La Préservatrice" are approved in Luxembourg.
1880 Establishment of an agency of the Union, specialising in life insurance.
1853 The "La Paternelle" articles of association are registered with the district court of Luxembourg.
A commitment to transparency based on a strict respect for professional ethics, formalized in AXA's code of professional ethics.
AXA has a Group Compliance and Ethics Code (the “Code”) that applies to all of its worldwide employees and subsidiaries. All senior officers across the Group are required to formally certify their compliance with the Code on an annual basis.
At AXA, people are encouraged to report any suspicion of inappropriate, unethical or illegal behaviour. They can raise a concern either locally or directly to the Group, through the dedicated whistleblowing process. The Group whistleblowing hotline (speak-up@AXA.com) is monitored by the Global Head of Special Investigations who is independent from executive management.