How to deduct insurance premiums from your tax return?
Recently settled in Luxembourg? If so, there’s a good chance that you'll have a few questions about your tax return. Did you know, for example, that you can deduct certain insurance premiums from your taxes? Explanations.

How to file your tax return in Luxembourg?
The tax return period in Luxembourg is open until 31 December of the year following that during which your taxable income falls. Whether you are resident or non-resident, employed or retired, you may need to file a tax return depending on your personal and financial situation. How do I go about it? What are the formalities and deadlines? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Here are some useful tips on how to file your tax return.

Married couples: joint or individual taxation?
Since 2018, married couples residing in or working as cross-border commuters in Luxembourg can choose to be taxed jointly or individually. What are the advantages of either option? Does it affect the amount of tax paid? What are the implications of this choice? Our answers to help you see things more clearly.

In which cases should I file my tax return in Luxembourg?
Completing your tax return is not always mandatory when you reside in Luxembourg. However, even when it is optional, completing it may well save you money.

Preparing for retirement and benefit from Tax deductions in Luxembourg
With the tax reform of 2017, the Luxembourg state intends to strengthen the purchasing power of taxpayers, residents and cross-border workers. Among the measures adopted, the raising of the tax deductibility limits related to insurance is a strong focus. This is a good way to prepare for the future while reducing taxes.