Registering your car in Luxembourg: what is the procedure to follow?
You have just settled in Luxembourg and you need to register your car in your new country of residence? Follow the guide to find out everything you need to do.
Request a new registration number

Your residence is now established in Luxembourg. The formalities related to your move are over, you now have a period of 6 months to register your imported vehicle in your new country. The yellow plates are waiting for you!
To do this, you must first ask for a registration number. This is to be done online on MyGuichet.
"Since I did not have any special requirements, I chose a number from the current series, that is, the first available number, consisting of 2 letters and 4 digits", says Alberto, a former cross border worker in the banking sector, who has been living in the capital since the beginning of the year.
If you prefer, the Grand Duchy also offers you the possibility to choose a personalised registration number.
Tempted by a personalised registration number?

In Luxembourg, personalised registration is very popular.
Unlike the current series numbers that are attached to the vehicles, it remains reserved for the holder. The personalised plate brings an extra touch to your car that makes it unique to you.
"It's also a lot easier to memorise it and to find your car in a car park", explains Francine who chose to use her initials and her year of birth.
“Initially, I wanted a 4-digit number but they were all allocated." It's true you have to be on a waiting list for several years to obtain the coveted number.
Today, there are 5-digit numbers as well as 2-letter and 4-digit combinations, provided that the plate is not yet allocated of course.
You can check the availability of your desired registration number on MyGuichet.
The operation will cost you an additional timbre fiscal (tax stamp) of €50 for first use of the number, €24 in case of reuse by the same holder.
Register your car

The Luxembourg Ministry of Transport has entrusted the National Road Traffic Company (SNCA, Société nationale de circulation automobile) the task of organising the registration. Have you submitted your request on MyGuichet and have you received your new registration number? you can now download the application form for obtaining a registration certificate.
"Don't forget to insure your car with an insurance company approved in Luxembourg and have it cleared at the customs centre”, Alberto reminds us.
To create your file with the SNCA, you must provide several documents:
- the application form for obtaining a completed and signed registration certificate;
- a copy of a piece of ID
- the vehicle's invoice document;
- the insurance certificate issued by an insurance company approved in Luxembourg;
- the customs document (vignette 705);
- a valid technical inspection certificate;
- the European certificate of conformity for vehicles registered from 1 February 2016;
- the foreign registration document;
- a tax stamp called "droit de chancellerie" for €50, without forgetting an additional stamp for €50 if you have chosen a personalised number.
The administrative file is to be sent by mail or can be deposited at the reception desk of the SNCA. You can also make an appointment online.
Once the registration certificate has been established, all you have to do is have your new plates manufactured by an authorised manufacturer, a list of which you can check here.
The registration service:

Some insurance policies such as OptiDrive by AXA offer a registration service with preferential rates.
This saves you time by sparing you the administrative steps whether this is your first registration or not.
You benefit from a preferential rate from a service provider who picks up your vehicle, carries out the procedures and returns it to you registered under the Luxembourg scheme.