AXA Assurances Luxembourg

Medical care in Luxembourg or Europe: Why does supplementary health insurance make all the difference?

Many residents or cross-border commuters have already asked themselves whether they are best off seeking medical care in Luxembourg or abroad. While the National Health Fund, the Caisse Nationale de Santé or CNS, plays a central role in reimbursing healthcare costs, it is worth remembering that supplementary health insurance can offer additional cover and benefits. As well as covering expenses not reimbursed by the CNS, you can also, subject to prior agreement, pick the hospital or clinic in Europe where you wish to be treated. This article explores the options available and the formalities surrounding medical care in Luxembourg or abroad.

Medical care in Luxembourg or Europe: Why does supplementary health insurance make all the difference?

Many residents or cross-border commuters have already asked themselves whether they are best off seeking medical care in Luxembourg or abroad. While the National Health Fund, the Caisse Nationale de Santé or CNS, plays a central role in reimbursing healthcare costs, it is worth remembering that supplementary health insurance can offer additional cover and benefits. As well as covering expenses not reimbursed by the CNS, you can also, subject to prior agreement, pick the hospital or clinic in Europe where you wish to be treated. This article explores the options available and the formalities surrounding medical care in Luxembourg or abroad.

How do I seek medical care in Luxembourg?

To receive reimbursement for medical care in Luxembourg, you must be affiliated to the Caisse Nationale de Santé (CNS). The affiliation procedure is carried out automatically by the employer when you are hired, or by the insured person themselves if they are self-employed.

Once the formalities have been completed, you will receive a 13-digit national identification number and a social security card, which you must show when consulting a medical practitioner.

Whether you are a resident or a cross-border commuter, you have the same rights and cover for sickness, maternity, work accidents, invalidity, etc.

The benefits covered by the CNS include medical consultations, hospitalisation and medication. However, not all aspects of medical care are covered in full. That's where supplementary health insurance comes into play, to cover procedures such as expensive dental treatment or certain hospital treatments that are not reimbursed. With its OptiSoins health insurance plan, AXA offers extensive cover that reduces or even eliminates out-of-pocket expenses for its assured, even if they choose to seek medical care outside Luxembourg.


What if I want to seek medical care abroad?

If you are a resident

Luxembourg residents also have the option of seeking medical care abroad. To do so, it is often necessary to obtain prior agreement from the CNS, especially for planned treatments. Emergency treatment, medical consultations or minor operations abroad are generally covered without prior authorisation, but it is advisable to check the specific conditions with the CNS.

To obtain reimbursement, the insured must send the CNS the receipted invoices as soon as they return to Luxembourg. These documents must mention precisely the procedures carried out abroad in one of the country's 3 official administrative languages (French, German or English).  The expenses incurred will then be reimbursed at the rates and tariffs laid down by Luxembourg legislation.


Cross-border commuters

Cross-border commuters can choose to seek medical care either in their country of residence or in Luxembourg. Medical care is reimbursed in accordance with the provisions in force in the country where the treatment is delivered. For example, a cross-border commuter living in France will be reimbursed as a Luxembourg resident in Luxembourg and as a French resident in France.  The two funds then make arrangements for the advance payment and reimbursement of the expenses.

A cross-border commuter may also decide to seek medical care within the European Union, the EEA and Switzerland under the same conditions as a Luxembourg resident.


Is there any advantage in seeking medical care in another country?

1.       Family support: If you're an expat or a cross-border commuter, it's often more reassuring to receive medical care in your home country, surrounded by loved ones, especially if undergoing a major operation. Medical care in familiar surroundings can reduce stress and create better conditions for recovery.

2.       Mother tongue and cultural proximity: As Luxembourg is a multicultural country, some patients may prefer to seek medical care in a country where they speak the local language fluently, making communication with healthcare professionals much easier.

3.       Treatment costs: Depending on the type of treatment, it may be cheaper to seek medical care abroad. For example, heavy dental treatment, such as crowns or dental prostheses, may cost less in other European countries.

So it's often preferable to seek medical advice and treatment closer to home. Except, of course, when waiting times for appointments are long for certain specialities such as ophthalmologists, in which case many cross-border commuters choose to consult in Luxembourg, for example.


The role of supplementary health insurance

Supplementary health insurance plans play an important role by covering expenses not reimbursed by the CNS. They can include benefits such as dental care, glasses and hospital stays. 

As for cross-border commuters, they can take out supplementary health insurance in Luxembourg. This grants them access to Luxembourg's excellent healthcare system, which often offers shorter waiting times for appointments.

With AXA's OptiSoins supplementary health insurance plan, you are free to choose where you receive medical care throughout Europe. AXA reimburses your medical and hospital expenses at actual cost (subject to prior agreement).