10 signs that your insurance policy is out-of-date
Whether moving in together, welcoming a child, throwing ourselves into our passions... There is never a dull moment, and that is what makes life so exciting! But what about your insurance? Does it also need a bit of a shake-up to give you and your family the protection you deserve?
1. Now it’s the two of you!
Has your girlfriend or boyfriend just moved in with you?
Congratulations! If your new live-in partner didn’t arrive empty-handed but weighed down with the very latest computer, a camera, and a collection of shoes to make Carrie Bradshaw pale with envy... then you had better call your insurer to adjust the estimate of the home contents that appears on your contract.
2. When two becomes three!
Cradle, toys, baby walker, push chair, cargo bike...
Has your home become one vast exhibition space for childcare equipment?
Insurers estimate that around € 10,000 are usually invested for the arrival of a first child. A sum that can easily raise the total amount of the insured contents capital by 10%.
Insure your flat the easy way!
Whether you rent or own, get an online quote for your flat in just a few minutes.
3. You’ve treated yourself to a state-of-the-art sound system
Whether a jazz or rock fan, you are a purist of sound.
From infra-bass to very high frequencies, your beloved connected speakers are a source of pure emotion.
Remember to report them to your insurer to be refunded in case someone makes off with them.
4. A passion that takes you places
Heading off to cycle around Australia? Diving in Thailand? Taking the stage for a rock concert with your band in the UK? Remember to protect your equipment and instruments against theft and breakage.
If you are the type to travel 3 or 4 times in the year, travel cover offers you greater peace of mind. Your medical expenses abroad are reimbursed and you are compensated in case of cancellation and theft or loss of your luggage.
5. You’ve pushed back the walls
A conservatory, a spa, an attic conversion... Your home’s surface area is used to calculate your insurance premium.
In case of damage, if the expert finds an inconsistency between the surface area of your house and the area that appears in the contract, it is a clear case of "underinsurance”. The insurer is then entitled to only compensate you in proportion to the square meters declared.
Have you given a bistro spin to your newly redecorated kitchen? Added bohemian-chic armchairs to your living room? Or simply refitted your kitchen? If so, then think of adjusting your contract to the value of these new furnishings and fittings.
6. Fallen for the designer lifestyle
Have your former colleagues bought you a designer handbag as a farewell gift ? Has all your Christmas bonus been spent in a luxury store?
Make sure that you add the value of these items to your cover every year
Do you rent or own your home?
Insure your home with comprehensive cover: fire, multimedia, travel, sports equipment, theft and breakage, and much more...
7. The Internet is your new playground
From the sofa to the holiday rental, do you do all your shopping on the internet?
But what if that beachfront villa booked for your holidays doesn’t actually exist or what if that sofa bought online was never delivered to you?
An e-protection cover offers you legal aid and compensates you for your purchases up to € 5,000.
8. You have a faithful companion
You dream of long walks in the country with a long-haired quadruped... But during one of your Sunday getaways, your pet savagely bites another dog. No choice but to take your four-legged friends to the veterinarian on call: diagnosis + operation + weekend rates, the bill quickly adds up to € 2500!
A worst case scenario where family protection cover would have saved you a lot of expense. In case of damage to a third party during your private time, the expenses incurred are covered.
Also think about ensuring the health of your dog or cat so that you can offer them the best veterinary care without having to worry about the financial consequences.
Don't forget to insure your dog's or cat's health too:
To offer them the best veterinary care without having to worry about the financial consequences.
9. Your basement has been turned into a rehearsal room
Your eldest son has taken his drumset down to the basement.
But have you taken out flood cover? Otherwise, all objects stored in your cellar- treadmills, bicycles, do-it-yourself equipment ... - may not be covered in case of rising water after a flood, because the cover is not compulsory in Luxembourg and often not included in your contract.
10. You have new hobbies
Has your youngest started hockey? Have you invested in a potter’s wheel or in a ceramic kiln?
Whatever your new passions, take stock every year with your insurer to make sure that you’ve got it covered.