Disability following an accident or illness, inability to work or death are totally unforeseeable situations that are often very difficult for you and your family to manage.
Serena guarantees your financial security and that of your loved ones to cushion life’s knocks.
Guaranteed lump sum for your loved ones in case of death
Serena death insurance guarantees payment of a lump sum to your loved ones so that they can meet your financial obligations following your death or meet household expenses such as your children's education.
Pension in the event of temporary or permanent disability
Every year, life's illnesses and accidents affect thousands of people: falls, burns, road accidents, etc., which can have a temporary or permanent impact on your ability to carry out your job.
The statutory cover provided by the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Pension (CNAP) provides for the payment of a disability pension in the event of permanent and total loss of capacity for work, but no pension is paid out for partial or temporary disability.
With its disability cover, AXA helps you put in place a replacement income in the event of total or partial, temporary or permanent disability. This allows you to preserve your financial independence if you are forced to stop working by insuring the amount of disability benefits deemed necessary in relation to your situation to maintain your income at the desired level.
Attractive tax breaks
With SERENA, AXA's temporary death and disability insurance, you can take advantage of tax breaks by deducting all or part of your insurance premiums from your taxable income.
AXA Assistance
Funeral repatriation assistance - In addition to the payment of a lump sum to your loved ones in case of death, they are eligible for 24-hour assistance to help them with the necessary formalities.

24/7 telephone line
A 24-hour information line.

Repatriation service
In the event of death abroad, a funeral repatriation service.

Reimbursement of expenses
Reimbursement of transport and hotel costs for a loved one wishing to accompany the deceased.
Tailor-made cover at every stage of your life and according to your profile

Frequently asked questions
What is meant by disability?
Disability refers to both physiological disability and economic incapacity. Physiological disability corresponds to a decrease in the physical integrity of the Insured resulting from an accident or sickness. Economic incapacity is a reduction in the Insured person's working capacity, as a result of the physiological disability he/she is suffering from. Its degree is determined by medical decision taking into account the Insured person's profession and his/her possibilities of rehabilitation in any professional activity compatible with his/her knowledge and aptitudes.
How long can I claim pensions if I am unable to work?
Once the qualifying and waiting periods have elapsed, AXA pays the Insured, for the duration of the disability and in proportion to its degree, an annuity, the annual amount of which is set out in the specific terms and conditions.
In the event of death can I define the beneficiaries myself?
The Policyholder may designate one or more Beneficiaries when taking out the insurance policy. The beneficiaries can also be changed by rider during the life of the contract.
At the end of the cover, can I recover my capital?
SERENA is a "term insurance in the event of death" policy. Unlike life insurance, which represents a financial investment, death insurance is a provident tool to support you and help you protect your loved ones for a defined period and according to your needs. This means that the insurer guarantees a lump sum for a specified period, in return for the payment of a premium. If the insured person is still alive when the cover expires, the premiums are not recovered.
Death insurance documentation
Services & Advice

Why take out life insurance in Luxembourg?
Financing a project, protecting your loved ones, preparing for retirement or passing on your assets are all good reasons to take out a life insurance policy. Because in addition to dealing with the challenges life throws at us, you also benefit from tax advantages. Here is an overview.

How to prepare for a comfortable retirement in line with your age?
As you know, with an ageing population, the pension system in Luxembourg is likely to become less generous in the coming years. Even more reason to prepare yourself as soon as possible for the challenge of declining resources. The Luxembourg government actually encourages you to do so through tax benefits.

Housing loans: how do I protect my loved ones in case of a fatal accident?
In Luxembourg, as in many European countries, financial institutions often require borrowers to take out insurance against the risk of death or disability. This is called Remaining Due Balance insurance, and it pays the balance of the capital that remains to be refunded to the bank. This cover allows the owners to insure the payment of the remaining instalments by the insurer in case of death or disability.