placements financiers

Financial investments that pay off

Investment funds offer a promising return on your savings to make your money work for you and, in some cases, can give rise to tax deductions.

How can you boost the return on your savings over the long term? Investing in the financial markets through investment funds in equities, bonds and commodities is an effective alternative to traditional savings.

What is an investment fund?

An investment fund is a financial entity whose objective is to invest in companies selected for their growth potential and therefore their return. In other words, investing your savings in a fund is like investing in a group of pre-selected, potentially promising assets.

This allows you to sign up for an approach that is both reassuring and dynamic. You entrust your savings to a fund manager who invests them in a broad-based approach: different companies, different types of investments, different geographical areas... The goal? Diversify the sources of return to either maximize gains or reduce risks.

Bonds or money market funds are among the most secure funds. While the most risky funds - with potentially higher returns because they are more volatile - are commodities (e.g. oil) or equities.


💡Finance your projects, make your capital grow in complete security and pass it on to your loved ones, while benefitting of tax advantages

Why are you better off accessing a fund through insurance?

Life insurance gives access to these savings mechanisms, through various products such as investment products, retirement savings, employee benefits or the supplementary pension scheme for the self-employed.

Advantage n° 1: focus on building long-term value to set aside a comfortable retirement pension. As you can see, current interest rates are low. AXA Luxembourg offers a retirement savings solution that allows you to take advantage of the promising returns of the AXA PENSION investment fund while ensuring a progressive shift to less risky investments as you approach retirement.

For example, if you are a long-term investor who will retire in more than 20 years, your savings will mainly be invested in dynamic high-yield assets such as stocks or real estate. As you approach retirement, your savings will gradually be invested in more secure assets such as government bonds and treasury bonds to limit the risks.



Advantage n° 2: In Luxembourg, investing in funds via retirement savings insurance makes you eligible for tax deductions. Article 111 bis of the Income Tax Act sets the maximum annual amount deductible from your taxable income at €3,200.

Advantage N° 3: By opting for an internationally renowned insurance company, you benefit from the expertise of experienced fund managers. At AXA, your savings are placed in the hands of the professionals of AXA Investment Managers, an entity specialised in asset management with nearly 800 professionals working in 16 international investment centres. How do you stand to gain? You take advantage of the best opportunities offered by all the global markets.


An advisor is available in every region of the Grand Duchy to offer you his services and his well-informed advice about insurance solutions :

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