Water leaks, broken tiles, no hot water... Situations that frighten you before they even occur...
Whether urgent or not, AXA chooses to make your life easy by helping you take advantage of professional service providers for all your little problems of everyday life.
One number to call: AXA Assistance - 45 30 55
• Emergencies (e.g. water leak in the bathroom, tiles broken during a storm, locking the keys inside the house and not being able to get in) : Enjoy Emergency@Home cover offered to all OptiHome-insured persons irrespective of the formula. AXA sends a service provider to help you out. You do not have to pay anything in advance, AXA covers repair expenses up to €400 maximum per procedure.
• Non-emergency or convenience situations (e.g. repairing a stove, repairing frozen pipes, chopping down a dangerous tree, etc.) : Use the Handyman service included in Comfort Option: AXA puts you in touch with a provider within 48 hours to carry out your work. You will have to cover the service provider's bill. This service allows you to save time (no need to ask for quotations from several different providers) and benefit directly from the market price (no scams possible!)