Do you need to take out health insurance for your dog in Luxembourg?
Vaccinations, municipal taxes, electronic chip, insurance, dog boarding... Adopting a dog in Luxembourg comes with a number of obligations but also expenses, most of which involve your dog’s health. Fortunately, dog health insurance can help you cope when the unexpected strikes.
The results are in. Every dog owner's nightmare. Your faithful companion has been diagnosed with a digestive tract tumour. The veterinarian tells you that it can be removed. But between the operation and the days of hospitalisation, the total cost of the operation is in excess of € 2.000...
A health budget that is often underestimated

The fact is, many new dog owners give no real thought to how much veterinary expenses can amount to each year. Having a dog means an average of two visits a year to a health care professional. The price of consultations varies little and is around € 35 to € 45 depending on the practitioner (excluding travel costs). You will also need to invest each month in an anti-parasite product to protect your dog from ticks and fleas. This means a budget of up to € 50 for a large dog. If you adopt a female dog, it is recommended that you have her spayed before her first heat. This reduces the risk of mammary tumours or uterine cancer later on. This can cost around € 500, which can vary according to the size of the dog.
And then there are things you hadn’t planned for.

“There are vital emergency operations such as a twisted stomach which requires an operation within hours” or even “orthopaedic surgery such as hip replacement or cruciate ligament repairs, which are becoming more and more common” explains Doctor Julien Jadoulle, a home veterinarian in Luxembourg. For these operations, you’re looking at € 1.000 and € 2.000 respectively, and that’s without the hospitalisation costs. These are just two examples of the heavy unforeseen expenses that can quickly bite away at your savings.
To cope with these setbacks, more and more dog owners are opting for health insurance for their pets.
💡 Discover the dog and cat insurance: Reimbursement of the veterinary and vaccination fees, sterilisation costs and much more
How does dog health insurance work?

Dog health insurance covers veterinary costs (consultation, visits, hospitalisation, medicines and other treatments) related to your pet's healthcare.
These costs can be incurred as a result of an accident or illness.
Different formulas are available, with varying deductibles. A deductible is a portion of the cost of the covered loss that is payable by you. At AXA Assurances Luxembourg, and depending on the chosen formula, the deductibles for Pet Insurance are € 30, € 90 or € 150 per consultation or hospitalisation.
Whichever formula you choose, the total amount of reimbursements is set at a maximum of € 2.500 per year.
A little extra protection for young dogs: vaccinations (no deductible) and sterilisation are also covered as long as the animal is less than two years old. Last but not least, one of the formula allows you to benefit from "assistance" extensions to cover search, animal ambulance or boarding costs if you have to be hospitalised.
Don't forget that, in addition to visits to the vet, adopting a dog in Luxembourg also entails obligations such as making a declaration to the municipal authorities, paying a tax, taking out civil liability insurance, etc.
But nothing that will put off future owners who are also well aware of the sheer joy sharing their daily life with an animal brings.