Travelling comfortably by car with your dog or cat
Holiday time is approaching. It’s time to spend time with your loved ones. And why not your family pet too? Although 74% of French people and 65% of German people are inclined to travel with their loyal pet, here is some advice to ensure your safety and well-being in the car.*
What does the law say?

The transportation of animals is not governed by any law in Luxembourg.
However, according to the police, when transporting your pet by car, you should take the same precautions that you would take for a heavy object. In the event of an accident, if your pet isn’t secured, it could be thrown forward inside the vehicle. Indeed, in the case of a collision at 40 km/h, a German shepherd that weighs 35 kg will experience an impact force that is 40 times its weight (i.e. 1400 kg!).
So, to protect your pet as well as other vehicle passengers, it’s important to ensure that everyone is properly belted and secured.
In addition, if you are travelling outside of the borders of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, make sure that you take your pet’s European passport, which is used to identify your pet and prove that it has been vaccinated against rabies (the only vaccination that is mandatory).
What equipment should be used for transporting your pet?
Isabelle, 45 years old, is an accountant for a company in Luxembourg. A few years ago, she adopted Gnocchi, a Golden Retriever, from an animal shelter.
“In the beginning she wasn’t used to travelling by car and suffered from travel sickness. I covered the boot with bin bags and cardboard to protect the carpet. Fortunately, after 6 months, the travel sickness stopped. On our last holiday, we even went as far as the Alps without my dog getting sick! ”.
Big dogs
If like Isabelle, you’re travelling with a big dog, it would be appropriate for your dog to travel in the boot. Of course, it is recommended that you remove the rear parcel shelf and remove any luggage from the area. That way your dog has the option to stand up, watch the road or sleep peacefully. To ensure everyone’s safety, make sure that your dog is separated by a net or grid to prevent it from being thrown forward into the passenger compartment in the event of an accident.
Small and medium-sized dogs
Very small dogs can travel on the back seat of the car. It’s a good idea to invest in a protective cover that can be removed easily if you need to pick up passengers. Also, you can use a fastening system such as a travel harness (which are available in all sizes) or a short leash. Both can be attached to the safety belt.

Small dogs can also be placed in a transport case. If you place it on the back seat, make sure it is secured with a seat belt. Another option for more timid dogs is to place the pet carrier at the bottom of the seat. This has the advantage of masking their field of vision and can be less stressful for your pet.
Cats can travel without hesitation in a transport case or carrying bag (which should always be secured). The benefit of the bag is that it takes up less space when not in use.
Relieving animals that suffer from travel sickness

Claire-Inès is a vet in a clinic on the other side of the French border. “Pet owners are increasingly interested in more gentle methods to ease these symptoms” she explains*.* As a result, she often suggests that they try a homoeopathic medicinal product - cocculine - to relieve travel sickness in dogs. To be taken on the evening before and on the day of travel, in a 3 times a day regimen. If this doesn’t work, she advises them to use anti-nausea medicinal products. These are available only on prescription and the dosage should be adjusted to the weight of your pet (to be taken once per day, on the evening before and on the day of travel).
Cats rarely suffer from travel sickness, but could benefit from the same medicinal products.
Calming anxieties
When travelling outside of the borders and when you’re taking a plane or boat, your dog, unless it is of a small size, must travel in the hold. This is a very noisy and worrying environment for your pet. It is therefore recommended that you ease the stress of this situation a little using dietary supplements or calming medicinal products.
One of the solutions available is CBD salmon oil (a cannabis based product without a psychotropic effect) which can be added to meals.
”I often prescribed it when I was doing my internship in Marseille for dogs being taken on a journey by boat. The results were very positive” explains the young recently graduated vet.
Other options in the form of capsules or sprays are also available. For cats, pheromone-based sprays are also an effective option. Consult a vet who will help you find the most suitable solution for your pet. However, please be aware that the vet will not be able to put your pet to sleep. Sedation may only be administered by a vet as part of its medical care services.
A few more tips

As you know, it is important to make stops every 2 hours to allow your dog to stretch its legs, do its business and rehydrate. You can purchase a foldable travel bowl that can be carried around easily with you wherever you go. Pay particular attention to the temperature inside the car and the sun’s rays. Here again, you can invest in a sunscreen to be attached to the rear windows to prevent your dog from being bothered by direct sunlight.
Did you know? AXA offers a a dog and cat insurance policy. The goal? To offer your pet the best care, without breaking your budget, even when you’re on holiday!
Source: On-line survey conducted by Research Now SSi between 29 March and 5 April on 4,000 pet owners in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Poland.