A corporate citizen
AXA Hearts in Action is a volunteer programme set up in 1991 by AXA France that has since spread world-wide throughout all the AXA Group entities.
AXA employees in Luxembourg give a helping hand to non-profit organisations during their working hours or in their free time.

A human and charitable adventure
Each year, thanks to our shared values and a deep sense of corporate and social responsibility, more and more volunteers are participating in local charity projects.
Since 2021, climate change and biodiversity, as well as social inclusion and health, are the main themes supported in our volunteer campaigns.

AXA Hearts in Action in Luxembourg in figures:
Our partner associations in 2021:

Discover AXA Hearts in Action projects in Luxembourg:
The CR Team (the team dedicated to CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility) and the members of the AXA Hearts in Action Committee do a remarkable job of setting up projects that attract the support of all AXA employees in Luxembourg.

Relais pour la Vie
Every year, AXA in Luxembourg takes part in the Relay for Life organised by the Cancer Foundation. Objectives: to raise funds to support research, the Foundation's actions and prevention campaigns.

AXA Week for Good
AXA Week for Good has been up and running in all AXA Group entities since 2010. This week is a human and charitable adventure that attracts incredible support internally, and is dedicated to Corporate Responsibility.

ELA - Mets tes baskets
AXA employees in Luxembourg walk or run during their lunch break to support ELA. Each kilometre covered triggers a monetary donation to the association that fights against leukodystrophies.

Diversity Day
Every year, AXA in Luxembourg takes part in Diversity Day, organised by IMS Luxembourg to promote diversity, as do many companies, public organisations and associations in Luxembourg.

Organised by CARE Luxembourg, the dayCare allows students aged 16 and over to do an internship in a participating company. Every year, AXA Luxembourg welcomes 10 students for a full day of insights into the world of insurance. Throughout the year, AXA Hearts in Action works closely with CARE on various campaigns and donations.

AXA in Luxembourg is involved with ASTI, an association that supports immigrant workers. In 2021, we prepared 110 hygiene kits for the beneficiaries of the Migrants Information Desk.