Our recommended insurance packages for Shopkeepers
AXA helps you to start your activity up again quickly when a hazard occurs by taking over the financial consequences of these events: Civil liability with legal protection, repair and reinstatement costs, loss of turnover, transported goods, work stoppage, invalidity or death.
The essential professional insurances

Your liability and your defence
A customer stumbles on the wet floor in your shop and injures himself... A television you have sold proves defective and starts a fire in your customer's home...
Civil liability with legal protection covers the damage caused in the context of your activity.

Your premises
A storm rages and your sign is broken... A burglar breaks in, damages the front door and forces the shop till...
Because your premises or workshops are vital for your activity, AXA covers your repair and reinstatement costs.

Protecting your activity
A fire breaks out in your shop...
AXA indemnifies the loss of turnover when your establishment is closed and helps you meet the fixed charges (depreciation, rent, taxes, etc.)
Specific professional insurances

Your goods
Your stock of goods burns during a fire... You will receive reimbursement for it.
You have an accident when delivering to a customer and the goods are damaged... The transported goods benefit covers the theft or loss of goods belonging to you.

Protecting your employees
Your employee is injured during a soccer match at the weekend and can no longer work....
Think about Assistance around-the-clock and Accident of the firm's personnel at work or in their private lives.

Your protection and that of your entourage
Your fall from the steps when putting your products on your shelves: you suffer a back injury and are totally incapable of working for two months...
In the event of work stoppage, invalidity or death, AXA helps you to maintain the living standard of your family and meet the professional charges that you may have left.
Additional family health insurance
Terms and Conditions